Mike met Suz by arranging quite possibly the most ackward date imaginable. A swipe right on Tinder, a few short exchanges, and a two tickets to a "pay-what-you-can" community theater play about feminism set in a zoo in ancient greece - "Meet me at the theater"? Mike asks. Suz responds "...why don't we meet for a drink first across the street?".

This was smart, turns out it helps to know someone at least a little bit before you sit through the most cringy play of your adult life where you make up the only two audience members not a part of the cast's direct family.

One intermission, some laughs and eyerolls later, a bond would be formed as the cast of this tragic, feminist play, closed the cutrain to a increasing in both speed and volume chant of "...men, ..men, men, MEN, MEN, MEN! MEN!!!"

After, drinks were had.

Then we got Pablo..

and Homer..

Then we went to Iceland..

and got engaged..

To be continued